Animal Farm is a satirical set on a typical English farm. The story and language are very simple but orwell is unnervingly precise in the way he depicts each step on thw road from revolution to tyranny. T his book is set in a future when animals are much cleverer than now. And because of their cleverness, the pigs started a revolution against the humans. Pigs could speak fluently in English unlike the other animals, and that gave them the power to be leaders. But, the story that follows only happened a few years after that... Their first leader, Old Major, was kind and fair who knew animals should be equal. But when Napoleon became the leader it was very unpleasant. He made a rule that allowed the pigs to have better food and that forced all of the other animals to work crazily hard every day and night. That wasn’t enough, Napoleon wanted more power.He decided to kill his brother, Snowball, so that he would be the only leader. Snowball was admired because he ...