HOW TO ENJOY YOUR OWN COMPANY? This is something that I wanted to write for the longest time. So, how to enjoy your own company? Follow the following steps:- 1) Get rid of misconceptions - When first you will try to hang all by yourself only doubts you will have in your mind will be things that we were always told ever since our childhood like who goes for watching a movie alone? Or who goes to eat alone? You are considered weird or mad when you do things alone because the socially believed protocol is to be with friends or family. It is something that everyone prefers but it is not something that should be done. These all are just misconceptions that you always need someone to accompany you or to be a partner in crime. I think this happens almost with most of us because we are so used to be with someone that we think that we always need someone to make you happy. It is a massive misconception that you always need someone to be with yo...
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