This is something that I wanted to write for the
longest time. So, how to enjoy your own company?
Follow the following steps:-
1) Get
rid of misconceptions-
When first you will try to hang all
by yourself only doubts you will have in your mind will be things that we were
always told ever since our childhood like who goes for watching a movie alone?
Or who goes to eat alone? You are considered weird or mad when you do things
alone because the socially believed protocol is to be with friends or family.
It is something that everyone prefers but it is not something that should be
done. These all are just misconceptions that you always need someone to
accompany you or to be a partner in crime.
I think this happens almost with
most of us because we are so used to be with someone that we think that we
always need someone to make you happy. It is a massive misconception that you
always need someone to be with you.
Just get rid of these misconceptions
and step out.
what you enjoy to do- Your thing can be anything like siting all alone in your
balcony and staring people or reading a novel or writing something or making
new friends or playing with stray animals or helping NGOs or orphanages
etc. My thing is actually to stare
everything around me . So it is about steping out of that validation zone or
going at a place where you won’t be judged for whatever you do because the only
person you are spending your time with is you. Because when you are with
friends then you are influenced with whatever they do or you are compelled to
do things with them. I think this gives you a lot of freedom and a lot of
decisiveness into what your day should be like. So just go out and find what
makes your heart happy.
3)Read and write- This is something vague and subjective . this
is what I prefer read or write.
Although I know that a lot of people
do not enjoy either reading or writing or both. But I think that we all should
do this at least for once like people say everyone should bungy jump at least
once or everyone should sky dive at least once or everyone should fall in love
at least once etc. but what I think is
everyone should at least read once and
at least write once because I’m someone who can’t sit and meditate for
me reading a book or writing something is meditation because at that time we
have a highly focused mind. We all are
told that watching a movie leaves a long lasting impact on us but according to
me in a movie visuals are served to you in a plate but in a book its all about
your imagination there is no boundary and no restriction to your thoughts. You
can imagine the protagonist as per your wish and if you actually want to enjoy
reading a book in the first place you should imagine that scene. There you have
the freedom to alter your visuals and view that story in the way you want to
see it which is very much personal and this is why I feel reading is
therapeutic. If you are someone who is confused how to start with writing start writing out things you did daily or write
down places you want to visit or write down your dreams. Earlier we used to
maintain diaries to write very personal secrets but now there is a fear that
what if someone reads it so now there are applications like Evernote to
maintain secret diaries and reminders.
4)Put aside gadgets- This is something that my
parents asked me to do. When we are on the technology we don’t think a lot
instead we have everything already prepared and we just go through it but when
you are offline you will realise what all you can do and think when there won’t
be anything lying in front of you where there won’t be any boundary to think.
Just try to do this for 5-10 mins daily initially.
5)The best thing to do is that just get out and
roam around and go out and have anything you want to have because you deserve
to be happy and start to upload pics with #mytime , #owncompany or anything of
that sort. Just give it a try I am sure you will enjoy that personal time. Just
smile and talk to strangers at café or metro stations. Just get out of that
bubble and find the happiness around you.
fourth and the fifth steps worked for me. So, I will request you to follow them
at least for once.
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