Yesterday while
surfing YouTube I saw a lot of videos which were useless and just not required
even then they had millions of views.
I observed
that videos with flashy and spicy thumbnail like oops moments of an actress or
trolling a celebrity do trend on YouTube. I don’t know how can you love this
sort of content where someone is defamed. There are a lot of videos which have
thumbnail that sort of attracts everyone but when you click on those videos
they don’t have anything regarding the text mentioned in the thumbnail and
these are called click bait thumbnails.

I saw a video in which there was sort of prank of kissing strangers. Can you imagine someone just coming and kissing you in a public place and telling you that its for entertainment. I think that’s disgusting to just invade someones privacy for entertainment and its also sexual harassment.
I was
disappointed to see videos with the title “reality behind sridevi’s death”. What
the hell?
I have
issues with it and hence I decided to address it via this blog. Is this is where
entertainment has come to. See I am also a huge fan of a lot of actors and I
also wish to see what happens in their lives but there is a line.
The person
who makes these sort of content is guilty but what I don’t get is that people
are ready to consume this sort of
content. Because if such kind of content is getting uploaded on the
internet it is because it is being consumed on the platform.
It is a
cycle of demand and supply. There are debates on twitter or any other social
media platforms where people condemned media.
There were
articles stating that Indian media is going through the worst phase and it has
sunk as low as it could sink and media is manipulated. Yes it is good to voice
opinion but now what?

We are in
such a phase right now where people are not ready to believe the facts because
there is so many fake news on internet.
Okay! So there’s
a problem. We have ranted about it as well, but what next? What is the
See when it comes
to these sort of content on youtube there are a lot of things that can be done.
The problem is that youtube is a platform which is driven by its viewers. It is
driven by the people who wake up and click on the youtube icon and spend hours
watching and surfing content. Youtube has limited power because the content on
the platform is driven by us.
What is to
be done is:
1.Set your standards for content you wish to watch.
2. STOP consuming nonsense and be a responsible viewer. You are smart enough to know when you
click that click bait thumbnail. There was a thumbnail which had the text “ the cctv footage inside a changing room”
. Aren’t we smart enough to know
that it won’t be the footage from the changing room. But we still click on it. Let’s
be a little more aware of what we are doing because every click counts. Our click is promoting that content.
3.Start reporting these sort of disrespectful content.
4. Think before you share.
5.Stop senselessly believing in all
these bullshit.
Being a responsible viewer what I intend to continue doing is whenever I
see such videos on my feed I will report them.
By such videos I mean fake news, inappropriate content ,disrespectful
content,lie,hoax etc…..
I request you to do the same .
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